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K. Ludwig Pfeiffer

Curriculum Vitae

1944                              born  2/23/1944 Neustadt/Aisch (Mittelfranken, Germany)

1963                              Abitur Friedr.-Alexander-Gymnasium Neustadt/Aisch

1963-1967                     Eight-Semester University Education English, French Literature and Language, Philosophy, Würzburg University

1967                              Autumn: State Exam (equivalent to MA: grade "outstanding")

1967-1969                     Pedagogical Training and Practice

1969                              Autumn: Pedagogical State Exam (qualifying for high school [i.e. German Gymnasium] teaching for English, French and German). Grade:"Outstanding"

                                      Grades for both State Exams combined:"Outstanding", best exam in Bavaria for (at least) five years

1969-1973                     Assistant Prof. Department of English, Würzburg University

1973                              May: PhD Würzburg University (Oral exam in English, French, and Italian Literature): summa cum laude

1973-1974                     November-September: Sponsored by German Research Agency (DFG) for Visiting Fellowship Harvard University (Comparative Literature and Philosophy)

1974-1976                     September-October: Assistant Prof. Department of English, Würzburg University

1976-1978                     October-October: Assistant Prof. English and Comparative Literature and Critical Theory, Konstanz University

1977                              December: 'Habilitation' English and Comparative Literature and Critical Theory Konstanz University

1978                              April-September: Deputy, chair English Linguistics, Bielefeld University

1978-1979                     October-October: Associate Professor of English (tenure), Bochum University

1979-2006                     Full Professor, English and Comparative Literature, Critical Theory, Siegen University

                                      February 2009 Professor Emeritus Siegen University

2007-2011                     Professor of Literature, Jacobs University Bremen

                                      December 2011 Professor Emeritus Jacobs University Bremen

1984-2006                     Visiting Professorships (one to three months, unless otherwise noted): University of Houston, Texas (one year), University of California, Davis, Kansai University, Osaka (Japan; twice), Colorado College, Colorado Springs (USA; three times Maytag Professor of Comparative Literature), Stanford University, Humanities Research Institute University of California, Irvine, University of California, Santa Cruz (Distinguished Visiting Professor); Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren/Zentrum für Literaturforschung Berlin; Keio University Tokyo; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil  (twice)

                                      Fellowships: Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine (1991); Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (1996, 2003)

Administrative Activities

1979-                             Chair and Member in about 40 Committees of all kinds, especially:

1980-1983, 2001-         Member of the Faculty Council and Associate Dean 1980-1983

1981-1984                     Member of  University Senate

1983-1984                     Chair, Central Senate Committee for Tenure Decisions; Member and Deputy Chair of University Committee for Research

1985-1988                     Chair, MA Committee

1989/92                         Deputy Director and Director Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Member of Institute 1989-1995)

1989                              April-July Deputy Director Graduate College Fachbereich 3 "Forms of Communications as Forms of Life" (special PhD program)

1989-1992                     Director of Graduate College (see above)

1990-1992                     Chair, Award Committee for best 'Habilitation' thesis in German English Studies

1983-                             Referee for national and international tenure reviews and search committees (including UCB, UCD)

Research Organization (Research Projects with external funding, Conferences etc)

1981                              Hermeneutics (Siegen)

                                      Co-Organizer of two-week Conferences Inter University Centre Dubrovnik:

1985                              Style

1987                              Materialities of Communication

1989                              Paradoxes, Cognitive Dissonance, Breakdowns

1991                              Co-Director International Colloquium on Writing ("Schrift") Stanford University

                                      Colloquium Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences Siegen: Authority - On the Scope and Range of 'Hard' Communication

1997                              Theory as a Cultural Event

1994-1999                     Member of International Research Group on Humanistic Discouse and its Status in Different Cultures (directed by Wolfgang Iser and Murray Krieger, UCI, members Hazard Adams, Ernst Behler, Hendrik Birus, Jacques Derrida, J. Hillis Miller, Bill Readings, Ching-hsien Wang, Pauline Yu), sponsored by Humboldt Foundation, Siemens Foundation, UCI, University of Washington, Seattle, Munich University

2002-2009                     Media Anthropology und Media Avantgarde Germany/Japan, in the context of Forschungskolleg/Sonderforschungsbereich (Special Research Unit, about 50 researchers) "Media Upheavals" (sponsored by German Research Agency DFG and, to a small degree, Keio University and Japan Foundation), together with R. Schnell (several conferences and published volumes)

2003-2006                     Mysticism and Modernity (sponsored by VW Foundation) together with K. Vondung, Siegen, F. Gregory and S. McKnight, History of Science, Univ. of Florida (several workshops and conferences both in Gainesville, Siegen and Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel (the workplace of Lessing and Leibnitz), Forum Humanum (Udo Keller Foundation at the University of Tübingen)



About 100 lectures in European, US, Japanese and Brazilian universities. This includes Eastern European universities before 1990.